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Calendar Making Activity

In-house activity calendar making for the year 2020-21, was done in the month of April under the guidance of our drawing Sir Mr. Yogesh Vedani, the children were taught in live session how to show their creativity in different ways, The children of grade 5 enjoyed this fulfilled session and showed their creativity in a…

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Father’s Day Celebration (2021)

Fathers play an important role in a child’s well-being. He may at times be too rough and too tough. But no matter what… He will stand by you and shield you from the evils. He will comfortably bring you through the tough times. He provides the children with abundance of inner strength to face even…

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Family Day – Reel Marking Competition

Family plays a significant role in the growth of an individual. It has immense influence in a child’s life. Children depend on parents and family on every different aspects of life and security. They comprehend the world through them. They are the first educator. Different activities were well executed to manifest the love of and…

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Mother’s Day Celebration (2021)

There is no love that can transcend the love of a mother on the Earth. The profundity and the divinity of her love which she bestows upon without any expectations is perpetual. Today is the day to manifest the love and give it back in abundance to this pure soul. ‘ Mother’. The entire world…

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World Laughter Day Celebration (2021)

Date : 2/5/21Grade : IISchool : Amarjyoti Saraswati International School ( virtual celebration) In this apprehensive situation surrounding us, what has to be precisely incorporated in life is ‘ Laughter’ and perpetual laughter. This will not only keep us in sheer bliss, but also has innumerable health benefits as well. ASIS grabbed the ‘ World…

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Earth Day Celebration

Undoubtedly, the existence of life in any form depends on the well being of Mother Earth. She cradles life and nurtures it with immense patience. Few days in the whole year is set aside to give it back to our mother Earth. To create the awareness among the students on the significance of protecting our…

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Quiz Busters (Class – 5)

Good days are back, especially with the school. Studies are picking up and the activities for all-round development is catching up with the passing days. ASIS is grabbing the opportunity to give the finest education possible in every aspect. Quiz competition was conducted for the students of 5th standard on the 23rd February 2021. It…

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Matru Pooja (Feb – 2021)

१८ फरवरी २०२१ “उनके बिना है हर घर अधूरा उनके बिना है परिवार अधूरा उनकी आँखों के तारे है हम दादी माँ,, नानी माँ के आँखों के राज दुलारे है हम “ दादी माँ, नानी माँ का प्यार दुनिया में सबसे अनमोल है | दादी माँ, नानी माँ के साथ रहना, उनके आस -पास रहना…

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Vasant Panchmi Celebration (Feb – 2021)

१६ फरवरी २०२१ बसंत पंचमी मतलब माँ सरस्वती का जन्मदिन | हिन्दू समाज में माता सरस्वती साहित्य, संगीत कला तथा विद्या की देवी के रूप में प्रतिष्ठित है |बसंत पंचमी को बच्चे के जीवन में एक नई शुरुआत के रूप में मनाते है परम्परागत रूप से बच्चो को इस दिन पहला शब्द लिखना सिखाया जाता…

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Freedom Fighters Show – Role Play

On this 72th Indian Republic Day Amarjyoti Saraswati International School conducted an activity on Great Indian Freedom Fighter through Role Play. Students were supposed to research about the life of one of our freedom fighters, dress up like them and prepare a speech. This provided an opportunity to all the students to showcase their talents…

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Republic Day Celebration (Jan – 2021)

72 years after India became a republic. A great pride for every individual of the country, 26th January is a day of national rejoicing. This day is celebrated with pomp and show, zeal and sprit, throughout the country. ASIS family celebrated republic with great éclat. The entire school was decorated with the heroes of freedom…

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Heels & Shoes – Family Ramp Walk

Smashing smiles, vibrant attires and stellar performances enthralled the audience in the ASIS auditorium on Saturday in a Ramp Walk Show organized for the families of 1st and 2nd standard hitting a high note of fashion showcasing a range of chic and stylish attire. The gala event witnessed mothers walking with children exhibiting confidence and…