Proud Moment For ASIS Group ICSE/ISC In International Google Programming Contest
The URL link had been provided to all the computer teachers by Mr.Nitin Raval (Co-Ordinator of both IT & Education Department) about Code To Learn Contest 2018 organized by GOOGLE for standard 5 to 10 on 9th August 2018.
Mr.Utsav (Computer Teacher of 9 to 12 CBSE) & Mr.Kunal (Computer Teacher of ASIS & AJSV) had registered and participated in the faculty training and assessment for Google Code to Learn 2018, and successfully completed the same. Mr. Utsav had provided the certificate from GOOGLE.
Students of classes 9 and 10 of CBSE had participated in the Scratch (a GUI programming environment developed by the world-renowned MIT University-USA) training and contest organized by Google under the banner “Google Code to Learn 2018”. A total of 160 students were trained by the school faculty member Mr. Utsav Parekh, after undergoing faculty training and assessment in this project. Out of 155 students had cleared the assessment and have become eligible for the certificate.179 students of class 6 to 9 of ASIS and 34 students of class 9 & 10 AJSV had also participated under the guidance of Mr.Kunal Sahitya in this contest. The certificates will be mailed by November 2018.
The contest was about to show their coding genius on Scratch or App Inventor to develop fun Games, Animations, storytelling, or an Android app; without writing even one line of programming language code!
Over the years, Computer Science and Programming has evolved and become one of the strongest means of solving real-life problems. Be it helping underprivileged kids with book donations using an app, sending their friend’s innovative greetings through an app, or making an app to help simplify learning for kids with dyslexia.
The Code to Learn competition is a platform for students to learn the basics of coding and build a strong foundation in Computer Science. Children are exposed to technology much earlier than ever before, and we believe that these foundational years are the best time to start nurturing their scientific inquisitiveness and curiosity. Through a fun and engaging way, we aim to teach students how to use technology to solve problems around them.
The contest registrations were opened and students from across India could submit their projects by August 31, 2018. There were links to online tutorials for both Scratch and App Inventor on the contest site and were very easy to learn.
Code to Learn was co-organized by ACM India and IIIT Delhi. ACM is the worldwide society for scientific and educational computing with an aim to advance Computer Science both as a science and as a profession. IIIT Delhi is a research-oriented university based in Delhi.
Here,is the screenshot of the Certificate provided by GOOGLE to Mr.Utsav Parekh for completing the training successfully.
Some pictures of the guidance provided by both the faculty members to the students :
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