International Yoga Day is observed every year on June 21 to spread awareness about this ancient practice and to understand and experience the physical and spiritual prowess that yoga has brought to the world. Yoga is a practice which plays an important role in relaxing the mind and body and boosting people’s immune systems. Amarjyoti Saraswati International School celebrated International Yoga Day. It was attended by all the teachers, Principals, Students with great enthusiasm.

The event began with a prayer song followed by a brief introduction on Yoga.
Warm up exercises were taken and all the students practiced & performed sitting and standing asanas. The importance of these asanas were explained simultaneously.

All the Principals of the entire school and the director AMARJYOTIBA GOHIL were on the stage performing the different asanas. They encouraged students to practice regular yoga to remain fit and improve concentration.

The entire Staff and children were taught the importance of Yoga in their life & how to maintain the harmony between body and mind. International Yoga Day celebration, indeed was a huge success under the supervision of the experts
The celebration ended with a vote of thanks by Amarjyoti Madam, the director of the school.

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