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Gandhi Jayanti Celebration

It would certainly justify, if we say that, India got free from the shackles of the British, because of Ghandiji’s unflinching and unshakeable determination and the relentless efforts he put in. His ideology of winning the hearts with love, respect and patience set an example for the entire world.

To commemorate this personality, his deeds and contributions, ASIS celebrated the birth of Gandhiji.

Students (6 to 12) and teachers with sheer enthusiasm gathered in reverberation. Celebration commenced with a rare prayer song which resonates in every Indian ‘Vaishnav Jan toh’ Wonderful Speeches were delivered in Hindi and English, Quiz competition was conducted based on the life and contributions of Gandhiji. Humorous and entertaining game ( will only speak the truth ) to end with.

Celebration of Gandhi Jayanti, in a nutshell, was indeed remarkable and would remain etched in the minds.

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