Evaluation Process
- It is our pleasure to welcome you for the new session 2019-2020. We hope to achieve successful milestone with your support and co-operation
- Assessment and evaluation are both necessary, important and an integral of the teaching learning process in all classrooms.
- The purpose of assessment for learning is to identity strength, weakness, learning gaps and problems faced by student.
- It provides timely, corrective teaching, assessment are done in multiple ways like oral/written forms, observation of classrooms activities, discussion, projects, model making, posters, charts, experimentation, group and individual activities, field trips etc
- Evaluation is process of collecting information evidence regarding process of a child. It focuses on the actual level attained by a child in a particular class after a certain period of time. It is the process of finding out the extent to which a child has attained within a specified time period and against expected learning outcomes
- Leaning includes communication in English, the moral values & strength of mind. The quality of education imparted to the students will bring about positive behavioural in the students
- The performance of the child will be informed to the parents at regular intervals. You are requested to be in touch with the teachers for the progress of your child
ICSE Syllabus & Curriculum
- The icse board follows a comprehensive syllabus which has an interactive approach toward education. The board syllabus covers all the fields in various subjects with equal importance. The curriculum is extremely engaging and challenging for the students and is successful in retaining the student interest level
- The icse examination question paper is a balance of objectives and subjective question. Both have to have equal priority of weight. There are projects of almost all the subjects which helps the student to get a deeper understanding of subject
- The last date for regularising admission to class 9th is july 31st and for class 11th is August 31st
- Students with attendance below 75% are not eligible to sit for the examination
- After a student’s name is registered for the board examination he/she need to download a copy of the regulations and syllabuses for the year of the examination in which they are appearing
- Final examination question paper for Std 9th & 11th will be provided by council
- Promotion from class 9th to class 10th will be on basis of cumulative achievement level of the student throughout the academic year in the subjects he/she has been registered for
- For promotion a student is required to have obtain at least 33% marks (in Std 9th & 10th) and 35% (in Std 11th & 12th) in five subjects including English on the cumulative average and a minimum attendance of 75% of the working days
- All subjects have components of integral assessment. On the basis of assessment/project work and practical’s. these marks are added to the component of the external examination set and marked by the council
- Promotion from class 9th to 10th on trial basis on re-examination or awarding of grace marks is NOT permissible and will not be accepted by the council
Request for Parents
- You are kindly requested not to enter classroom either to see your child or meet the teacher during school hours
- Kindly pay attention to your child’s progress, regularity and discipline. You should check the calendar everyday and take note of the homework and other instruction
- No leave will be granted during examination
- No re-test or examination will be conducted in any case
- In case of illness a medical certificate must be attached with the leave application
- All the dues must be paid before the commencement of the exam
- No re-exam will be conducted in any case
Other Services
- For any Query Email – helpdesk@theasishelpdesk.org
- Official Website – theasis.org/home
- Download School Mobile App – Android or IOS
- Online admission – ICSE/ISC Board
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